Einträge von hoffmann

Café Philo in English on the 6th of January 2024

Are you interested in an open and respectful exchange of arguments? Do you enjoy thinking and pondering together with other people? Then come and join our circle, where we try to speak about the really important topics of life. We use for this event a peculiar method to determine the topic(s) of discussion, the so […]

Filozofická kavárna (Café Philo) 09. 12. 2023: přemýšlet a diskutovat

Filozofování o životě a o všem ostatním pro všechny, bez vstupného a bez přihlášky: Co si přejete, s čím si lámete hlavu, co Vás nenechá spát, o čem dumáte, o čem sníte, co Vám vrtá hlavou, čeho se bojíte, na co vzpomínáte, o čem přemýšlíte? Nenechte tyto věci jen pro sebe, zkuste rozhovor s jinými lidmi. U […]


Are you interested in an open and respectful exchange of arguments? Do you enjoy thinking and pondering together with other people? Then come and join our circle, where we try to speak about the really important topics of life. We use for this event a peculiar method to determine the topic(s) of discussion, the so […]

International Café Philo in English (04. 11. 2023)

Open philosophical discussions for everybody, without application or entrance fee. We keep calm and let the concepts fight until our brain is on fire: Are you interested in an open and respectful exchange of arguments? Do you enjoy thinking and pondering together with other people? Then come and join our circle, where we try to […]